snippets, updated apps, and more
03 March 2019
It's been a busy week with usability improvements, bug fixes and and experimental new feature.
Let's start with the new stuff. ShadowTrackr scans for your keywords in datadumps. Up until now you had to click the link on your timeline to find out the context in which your keyword was mentioned. Only after clicking you could see the full orginal post on the datadump website. Since keyword monitoring is quite popular, this results in a lot of clicking.
To improve this, Shadowtrackr now saves a snippet that includes some lines before and after the keyword as the context. You can see this context on your timeline by clicking on the
details link in the right bottom of the post. This might save you some clicks. It also provides you some idea of what the data was like if the original data has been deleted.
There is a new version of the iOS app. An iPad user rightly complained that he had to run it in tiny iPhone mode, and that the links in the menu where so densely packed to it was hard to tap the right one. Both issues are now fixed.
Android users where bothered by an unexpected refresh on the timeline and a not properly functioning back button (the one on the hardware itself). Both these are fixed in the newest version.
There are quite a few other improvements and even some additions that are too small to mention here. I hope these improve the usability as intended. If not and something bothers you, please let me know!