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New software vulnerabilities report

14 November 2021
We got a request about the software report. Most of you use it to hunt down CVEs on software that needs to be patched. It is setup as a complete overview of all your internet exposed software. CVE’s are listed too so you have an overview of what software is most vulnerable.

Not every system is equally important in practice, and many of you are clicking through to find the vulnerable systems and determine which ones need most attention. For those of you with many assets, this was a cumbersome process. And that was what the request was about. Could we show only the software list for assets with vulnerabilities?

The new Software vulnerabilities report does exactly that. Hopefully this will help you prioritise and spend your precious time on the most important vulnerable systems. The old report showing all the software we found on your internet exposed assets is still available and now renamed to Software overview report.

API is updated to version 3

24 October 2021
Almost all of the new endpoints are downwards compatible with the old version. There are some breaking changes in the certificates endpoint. Some values return a string with a comma separated list before and now return a proper JSON array.

The goal is to have parity with the GUI and so new endpoints are added like subnets, domains, exposed email addresses and blacklisted assets. There is also a new endpoint you can use to check on how far your initial scan is. A code example on how to use it can be found in

Lastly, some endpoints have an extra option (full=True) that returns raw scan data. This can be useful for those of you who want to do data science on the results of the ShadowTrackr scans.

Want to know more? See the API documentation

Certificate Scan Errors

11 October 2021
The TLS scan engine has been having some trouble in the last two weeks. For some certificates, scans could not be completed. This often resulted in an Error instead of a grade in the certificate report. I some cases, the scan results were missing entirely.

The errors have been fixed now, and the newly update scan engine has been running since October 10. It can still take a few days to catch up on all certificates, but by the end of this week all certificate errors should be gone. If you do still see them, please report it.
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