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New query keyword: IN

03 April 2022
Query based reports are here, and query based alerts are underway. To fully use this, queries should be easy. That is why you can now use IN () and NOT IN () as keyword.

Say you want a report of all websites that do not return a 201, 403 or 404 HTTP code. The old way (which still works) would be:

index=websites https_status!=201 AND https_status!=403 
  AND https_status!=404

The more values you want to select or exclude, the longer the query becomes. With the new keyword this query can be rewritten as:

index=websites https_status NOT IN(201, 403, 404)

Much better right?

Select report columns with | table

27 March 2022
Last week custom reports went live. One of the first things you of course want is the ability to select the columns or fields you want in the search results and exports. For that, we now have the keyword table.

Just like in Splunk, you can "pipe" queries in to other commands. For now only the table command is supported. With table you can explicitly select the columns you want in the search results. It works on all queries, including queries with the by keyword. All queries where results are grouped with by will always contain the count per group in the last column (named "count").

Here is an example query to try:

index=websites latest=-7d | table url ip https_status http_status

You can also use | table to select columns in combination with the by keyword in grouped results:

index=hosts by asn | table asn country

In beta: custom reports

21 March 2022
After many request, it is finally here! The left hand menu of the GUI shows a new item: custom reports. Reports are query based. All query results you see in the GUI will be in the report too.

You can schedule reports daily, weekly or monthly. Output formats are Excel, csv, json and pdf. Note that the pdf version will switch to rows instead of columns for any output containing more than 5 columns. You can select your columns with the new keyword "table" in the query like this:

index=hosts ports=3306 | table ip  ports asn last_seen

First quirk to be solved: when you create a new report, you have to save it first before you can add email recipients.
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