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New scheduler

11 September 2023
I understand that a new scheduler is not a new feature and might be less interesting to hear about. However it is quite an important structural change in ShadowTrackr that allows scaling up further and improving performance. It should be able to speed up the discovery process too.

For such an important change the "big bang" scenario doesn't feel right, so as of yesterday just two DNS discovery algorithms have moved to the new scheduler. I will be monitoring them closely and if all goes well move a few other queues over to the new scheduler.

Spamcannibal removed from blacklist checks

16 August 2023
Multiple users reported that they suddenly had servers appearing on the Spamcannibal blacklist. After inspection these servers seemed just fine, and they did not appear on any other blacklists. So the problem likely is with Spamcannibal and we have removed it as a source.

Heavy database maintenance

04 August 2023
As some of you might have noticed, there is some heavy database maintenance going on in the background. This can results in serious performance impact, especially on anything related to the timeline and events.

Hopefully things are speedier again within a week.
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