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Improved detection

22 January 2024
This week's update contains improved software detections and bug fixes. Besides the improved detections there is also a new one: Teamcity. Not much to say other than that really.

Scaling up

08 January 2024
More scaling up was done during the Holidays, and unfortunately this wasn't always smooth. The software and servers are in much better shape now, and a lot of performance issues and bugs were fixed.

If you do notice trouble, please let me know. One client asked why a specific website wasn't scanned anymore, and I discovered the website and about 200 others were hanging in some sort of crashed queue since the scaling up. All are up and running now thanks to this bug report.

Assets and suggestions overlap checks

13 November 2023
The biggest functional improvement this week is that assets and suggestions are cross-checked from now on. If a new asset is added, manually or through discovery, any suggestions about that same assets are automatically removed. The same goes for new suggestions. They are dropped if the suggested asset already exists.

If feels a bit odd that this is only added now and not much earlier. Thing is, it was not a problem in the past. Some accounts have gotten so big with so many related assets on the attack surface that now it had become a problem.

Again, this week's update had more improvements in software detection, and new scanner nodes were added. With the addition of nodes in Brazil, Italy and Sweden the total number of locations we scan from is now 14.
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