New weekly pdf report
18 March 2024
This week's update includes report improvements and bug fixes. The most important update is the new weekly pdf. It is completely redesigned with the goal of being easier to understand. And it looks a bit fancier if you ask me ;-)
New website security report
11 March 2024
This week's update has two improved reports, and one new report.
The improved reports are the European Cookie law report and the software vulnerabilities report. Both now clearly show what is wrong or right in colors and fancy images.
The new report is the websites security report. It's in the report library, and you can use the magic query $websites_security_report to build your own version if you want. The report show all website grades and the points scored for the different security tests that determine the grade.
More options with tags
04 March 2024
Since the use of tags is increasing, it was time for a review. They now appear in more places, most notable phishy urls. The
documentation on how tags work is updated, and here are the most important rules to keep in mind:
- If you tag a domain, all subdomains will inherit that tag
- Subdomains can have tags that do not appear on the pay level domain.
- If you tag a url corresponding certificates, websites and DNS records get it too
- Certificates and websites can have additional tags that are not on the url
- Phishy_domains inherit tags from the original pay level domain
- If you tag a subnet, all hosts in it will inherit the tag
Some of the new reports make heavy use of magic queries (those starting with a $). All magic queries support two extra options
last_seen and
So, to make a custom Software Vulnerabilities Report only for assets with the tag "my_tag" that are seen in the last two weeks, you use the query:
$software_vulnerabilities_report and last_seen>-14d and tags=my_tag